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Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, built in August 2000, is a large civil airport located in Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, and one of the three major domestic aviation airports. It was officially opened on August 5, 2004. It is located in Baiyun District, Guangzhou City. At the junction of Hezhen and Xinhua Street and Huadong Town in Huadu District, there is a direct airport expressway to and from the airport.

  Baiyun International Airport currently has 3 runways and 1 terminal. The long-term plan is 5 runways and 3 terminals. In 2015, Baiyun International Airport had a passenger throughput of 55.21 million passengers and a cargo and mail throughput of 1.54 million tons. At present, 136 international and regional routes have been opened, with more than 1,000 daily flights to 207 destinations in the five continents of Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Oceania.

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